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Freezing is a new and effective methode
for treating the Tapinoma nigerrimum

Tapinoma nigerrimum (Tapinoma nigerrimum complex) was first found in the Netherlands in 2013 and can be found in more and more places. This invasive and exotic ant, also known as the terror ant, originally comes from southern Europe. The ant came to the Netherlands with the soil of garden plants or potted plants. The Tapinoma nigerrimum thrives best in a somewhat warmer environment. That is why in the Netherlands they can often be found under pavements, near walls and sometimes in cavity walls because these places are heated by sunlight.

Tapinoma nigerrimum can live with several queens and a large colony in one so-called supercolony. The ants undercut pavements, causing them to sag. In addition, these ants can also come inside causing a lot of nuisance. They can bite and inject an irritating fluid into the bite wound.

In order to prevent further spread of the Tapinoma nigerrimum, it is necessary to treat this ant as soon as possible. Because the queens are safe from chemical pesticides deep underground, it is almost impossible to get rid of a nest. In addition, many chemical agents are introduced into the soil, which can be harmful to the environment.

Technical Innovation Bureau Achterhoek (Tibach BV) has investigated the problem from different perspectives and developed a new, environmentally friendly and patented method that kills this ant by freezing. Freezing can kill the egg-laying queens. The first tests shows the method can successfully contribute to the control of the invasive exotic “terror” ant.

The research into the control method was carried out in collaboration with Wageningen University & Research.

Source: Kennisnetwerk invasieve exoten Mediterraan draaigatje

Tibach-method: safe, environmental friendly and only one treatment required

Attempts have been made to treat the Tapinoma nigerrimum with hot water or to pour a pesticide (insecticide) into the nest. This only had a little and a short-term effect. Treating the Tapinoma nigerrimum by freezing the soil can offer a solution.

The Tibach method is different: safe, enviromental friendly and only one treatment needed.This method can be used by governmental organisations. A high-capacity machine is already available. Soon a smaller capacity machine will be developed, this way the treatment method can also be used by smaller organisations and individuals.

If you are interested in the WUR (Wageningen University & Research) research report, please contact us via the contact form. After we have received your details, you will receive an email with a download link.

How it works

Tibach method

We install stainless steel freezing lances in the soil where the Tapinoma nigerrimums occurs. On this lances we connect hoses to create a closed system. A 100% environmentally friendly coolant is pumped through this system, causing the soil to freeze. This causes the egg-laying queens to freeze and the colonies to be reduced in size. The pilot of this method – in collaboration with Wageningen University & Research (WUR) – looks promising.

Tibach method overview

Tibach systeem

Tibach-method benefits

Only one treatment needed. Always in collaboration with one of our professional partners

The egg-laying queens die, colony expansion will be inhibited

Relatively fast: in five days a location can be cleared mediterranean ants

Application in autumn or winter so that less energy is needed to cool the soil

Pavement does not need to be removed

Capacity until 30 m2 per treatment

No pollution  (no environmental hazard due to a biodegradable coolant)

Not harmful for soil life or the seed bank

Reduction in the use of chemical pesticides (insecticide)

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